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How the concept of proof has enabled the creation of mathematical knowledge

The Story of Proof investigates the evolution of the concept of proof―one of the most significant and defining features of mathematical thought―through critical episodes in its history. From the Pythagorean theorem to modern times, and across all major mathematical disciplines, John Stillwell demonstrates that proof is a mathematically vital concept, inspiring innovation and playing a critical role in generating knowledge.

Stillwell begins with Euclid and his influence on the development of geometry and its methods of proof, followed by algebra, which began as a self-contained discipline but later came to rival geometry in its mathematical impact. In particular, the infinite processes of calculus were at first viewed as “infinitesimal algebra,” and calculus became an arena for algebraic, computational proofs rather than axiomatic proofs in the style of Euclid. Stillwell proceeds to the areas of number theory, non-Euclidean geometry, topology, and logic, and peers into the deep chasm between natural number arithmetic and the real numbers. In its depths, Cantor, Gödel, Turing, and others found that the concept of proof is ultimately part of arithmetic. This startling fact imposes fundamental limits on what theorems can be proved and what problems can be solved.

Shedding light on the workings of mathematics at its most fundamental levels, The Story of Proof offers a compelling new perspective on the field’s power and progress.

8 reviews for The Story of Proof: Logic and the History of Mathematics

  1. Kindle Customer
    September 13, 2024
    Worth the challange
    Some of the mathematical concepts in the book are sophisticated, but if you have some mathematical background and are up to the challange it is a fun ...More
    Some of the mathematical concepts in the book are sophisticated, but if you have some mathematical background and are up to the challange it is a fun book to explore.
    Helpful? 0 0
    David Frankel
    August 13, 2024
    Pure math
    It’s a book of pure math. Don’t expect him to explain the story of proof, he only shows you the mathematical formulas m across the ages.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Keith Harbaugh
    April 23, 2024
    I did not have a problem with text readability
    Some other reviewers have complained about "light grey text throughout the book that was impossible to read without a great deal of eye strain".I boug...More
    Some other reviewers have complained about "light grey text throughout the book that was impossible to read without a great deal of eye strain".
    I bought my copy directly from the publisher, Princeton University Press, and did not see this problem at all.

    In general:
    This is a really excellent and much-needed book, cross-cutting between, and showing the inter-relations between, the various fields of mathematics which are usually taught (for good reason) in isolation from each other in the academic curriculum.
    There is one omission I want to point out:
    There is an excellent elementary introduction to category theory, assuming nothing more than high school math:
    "Conceptual Mathematics" by F. William Lawvere and Stephen Schanuel.
    So, Stillwell is overstating things when he writes in his Section 10.9
    "category theory [necessarily?] involves a high level of abstraction, and background too advanced for a book such as this".
    Helpful? 0 0
    December 31, 2023
    A fascinating history of msthematics
    I am enthralled by this history if mathematical proof. Context, I am a mathematician so I am not stretching to follow the maths in the exposition. The...More
    I am enthralled by this history if mathematical proof. Context, I am a mathematician so I am not stretching to follow the maths in the exposition. The history fascinates me and explains the terminologies I knew but didn't understand the reason for.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Kwok Ka Keung
    February 22, 2023
    Helpful? 0 0
    Bryan Runck
    February 10, 2023
    Essential reading for those with a love of mathematics
    I am not a trained mathematician, but do have advanced STEM degrees. This means that some of the book was over my head, but I couldn’t have cared in t...More
    I am not a trained mathematician, but do have advanced STEM degrees. This means that some of the book was over my head, but I couldn’t have cared in the slightest because it’s so well written, and the summary sections put the details in a much broader context. It instead inspired me to dig deeper into the subfields I’m unfamiliar with.

    What I appreciate most about the book was how Stillwell relates the motivating problem of infinity in mathematics (and physics) to the many different branches of the field, and what these fields considered to be acceptable proof for a given mathematical idea.

    If you have a love of maths, and are curious about the inner workings of the field, this is a great book for you.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Dallas Entrepreneur
    December 6, 2022
    Great mathematical history of how various proofs evolved through time.
    Clear exposition and love for subject.
    Helpful? 0 0
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