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Mathematics instruction is often more effective when presented in a physical context. Schramm uses this insight to help develop students’ physical intuition as he guides them through the mathematical methods required to study upper-level physics.
Based on the undergraduate Math Methods course he has taught for many years at Occidental College, the text encourages a symbiosis through which the physics illuminates the math, which in turn informs the physics. Appropriate for both classroom and self-study use, the text begins with a review of useful techniques to ensure students are comfortable with prerequisite material.
It then moves on to cover vector fields, analytic functions, linear algebra, function spaces, and differential equations. Written in an informal and engaging style, it also includes short supplementary digressions (‘By the Ways’) as optional boxes showcasing directions in which the math or physics may be explored further. Extensive problems are included throughout, many taking advantage of Mathematica, to test and deepen comprehension.

5 reviews for Mathematical Methods and Physical Insights: An Integrated Approach

  1. Mark Gibbons
    October 24, 2024
    Hard and very interesting.
    I was working though Boas Mathematical methods and Schram was recommended. Schram was just enough harder and more on the level I wanted to be at. Sc...More
    I was working though Boas Mathematical methods and Schram was recommended. Schram was just enough harder and more on the level I wanted to be at. Schram has little aside scattered though the text that are fascinating. It's a wonderful book.
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    Amazon Customer
    July 25, 2024
    The maths that physical scientists need
    I bought this for a science student at the University of Toronto, who is obliged to take pure maths courses that prove 1+1=2 and similar profundities....More
    I bought this for a science student at the University of Toronto, who is obliged to take pure maths courses that prove 1+1=2 and similar profundities. This book supplies the maths that a science student really needs, starting from the high school level, and covering virtually everything up to graduate level. Scientists who like maths will love it; pure mathematicians will hate it. The style is very, very readable, and every page has something of interest to teach even those, like me, who think their maths knowledge is adequate.
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    April 24, 2023
    Defines and fills a unique niche
    It was always going to hard to resist a book with "physical insights" in the title. I have only gotten a few chapters in, but already this has shown i...More
    It was always going to hard to resist a book with "physical insights" in the title. I have only gotten a few chapters in, but already this has shown itself a unique treatment. Finally, an unapologetic, methodical explanation of advanced mathematical concepts and notations needed for advanced physics. The frequent example breakouts include both math-oriented elaborations of the material just presented as well as applications from physics. Good graphs and drawings, as you would expect. Overall, a refined, high quality production.
    Helpful? 0 0
    October 24, 2022
    Phenomenal exposition of the material
    I was an undergrad guinea pig for the writing of this book, and while it wasn't in its complete form at the time it was still some of the best exposit...More
    I was an undergrad guinea pig for the writing of this book, and while it wasn't in its complete form at the time it was still some of the best exposition I've encountered to this day. It's even better in its completed form. Congrats!
    Helpful? 0 0
    NIC G.
    June 16, 2022
    I just received this newly published book. The author has done an excellent job.The topics usually encountered in a book dealing with mathematical met...More
    I just received this newly published book. The author has done an excellent job.

    The topics usually encountered in a book dealing with mathematical methods for the physicist are covered. The presentation of the topics is more "lively" than the classical books such as Arfken, Riley or even Boas. I really appreciated the fact that the author presents the mathematical notions from the point of view of physics. This approach is quite similar to the excellent book by Snieder (a guided tour of mathematical methods for the physicial sciences).

    Even if the author wants to create the link between mathematics and physics, the mathematical notions are not for all that neglected and not considered as "simple" tools (for example, linear algebra concepts are clearly defined in a rigorous manner) . This approach is quite similar to the other excellent book on the same subject by Altland (mathematics for physicists) although the latter is a bit more abstract and could thus be read as complementary reading.

    I highly recommend this book. It will find its place without problem in the current literature (despite the fact of the great number of works already published on this subject.

    The printing quality of the books of cambrdige university press is, as always, irreproachable.

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